Kita Nippon Kanko Bus: Express Buses
Japan Bus Online
Express Bus | Tokyo – Kanazawa Line
Express bus Starting the operation of express bus service between Kanazawa and Tokyo


Free Wi-Fi Equipped

Timetable / Fares

Kanazawa/Takaoka/Toyama – Tokyo (Tokyo, Ueno, Asakusa Stations) Kimasshi


Revised April 1, 2023
Bus stop To Tokyo To Kanazawa
Kita Nippon Kanko Bus / Sakimori Depot 21:20 7:30
Kanazawa Station (outside the old Kanazawa Miyako Hotel)
*Kenroku-en Exit (East Exit) side. Not the roundabout inside the station.
21:50 7:00
Takaoka Express Bus Terminal (next to Takaoka Tonami Smart IC) Platform4 22:35 6:15
Toyama Station (North exit of Toyama Station) Platform1 23:10 5:40
Tokyo Station Yaesu Dori 6:20 22:30
Ueno Station 6:35 22:05
Asakusa Station 6:45 21:50
Tohoku Express bus/ Tokyo Office 7:20 21:20
  • *The services only between Kita Nippon Kanko Bus Sakimori Depot and the north exit of Toyama Station, and Tokyo Station and Tokyo Office are not available.
  • *Please make sure to check the location of the bus stop you intend to use. You can confirm by clicking on the location name in the timetable or by visiting the Bus stop page.


Sfare 3,900yen

Afare 5,500yen

Bfare 5,900yen

Cfare 6,700yen

Dfare 7,600yen

Efare 8,400yen

Ffare 9,200yen

  • *The fare for children (elementary school pupils and younger) and handicapped persons is 4,600 yen.
    (Select the date for an S fare trip (3,900 yen) via the purchase of an adult fare.)
  • *Booking is available one month before the departure date.
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